Thursday, February 12, 2009


In the spirit of the season of love, let's be amusing for a while....
It helps to be deluded when you are in love, according to scientists who study how humans mate. Men and women are “designed to misconstrue, misread and misunderstand each other.” And this is good. For one, delusion helps us avoid costly mating errors. Men over-estimate women’s interest in them, so to avoid not seeing what is there (false-negative errors). We can’t afford to pass up a woman who might be interested, so we assume all women are interested. On the other hand, women overestimate men’s interest in casual sex.

They need to avoid their “false-positive errors,” Because of women’s greater investment in reproduction; their safest strategy is to be cautious and to assume ALL MEN ARE JERKS! Men and women lie to each other when they are interested, but the lies women tell tend to make them seem more faithful (that lying bitch!) while men lie about wealth or their interest in a long-term commitment.(watta jerk!) Delusion helps us stay together, too. We believe our beloved is somehow special (definitely) and our exes are all duds. (aren’t they?) The more we believe our delusions, the happier we will be, according to anthropologist Helen Fisher. So, go ahead..fool yourself and be happy. HAPPY VALENTINE'S

Men’sHealth Magazine August 2007

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