Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Something I thought unthinkable, but it wasn’t। after all Siargao is an Island more than 2 hours from the mainland, other than surfing and tourism, which is seasonal and is mainly concentrated in General Luna, nothing much goes on in there, not even an insurgency problem. so the events on june 28 came as a shock (to say the least) I’d like to share with you a letter that I emailed to 3 of my closest friends (through yahoo) in South Africa, Hawaii, and California, regarding what happened last Saturday June 28. (Although it’s still sketchy)

Hi Guys,

Hope everything’s’ fine with you, I’m writing, (or rather emailing) because of what happened last Sat. June 28. You see the NPA’s (as in New People’s Army) staged a daring commando type raid in Siargao Island, specifically, the Municipality of Dapa (the Capital) and General Luna, the famed surfing capital (as proclaimed by some tourism guys) yup, and right in Catangnan, where Cloud-9, Quicksilver, and Jacking Horse, and of course, where most of the Surf camps are. The sketchy reports are still coming in as of this writing, (or typing), but from what I could discern, based on interviews with the soldiers, and captured rebels, by the media, what happened was nothing short of “sensational”, worthy of a Hollywood script.

About 10pm Sat. June 28, more than a hundred rebels of the “Pulang Diwata” front, on board 15 motorized bancas simultaneously launched a well coordinated attack on the Town of Dapa, and General Luna, Codename: Oplan “Bantay Laya” (freedom watch)They overran the town, without resistance-from the not more than a dozen Policemen assigned there, they were actually able to gather the people in Dapa, where they distributed leaflets, and had a forum, denouncing the Congressman and the Town Mayor (you know who) for alleged “land grabbing” and other abuses, they also smashed the computers belonging to the LGU’s (Local Gov. Units) took the local policemen’s guns and uniforms. Pulled down the Philippine Flag and raised their own colours. While in General Luna (GL), the raiding team split into 2 groups, one landed in front of the public school, went right into town and torched the police station, also taking with them firearms (agaw armas) and more uniforms. The other group landed in catangnan, that inland bay there, yup, how they manage to navigate in the darkness without being smashed by the surf (at Quicksilver and Jacking horse), is the subject of an “inside job” speculation. Anyway, this group then proceeded to go inland and blew up the towers of both, smart and globe. A force of CAFGU’s assigned there tried to put up a fight, but there were only about 9 of them, and up against more than 60 rebs…you do the math.

I don’t know why it took them that long but it was already almost daylight when they withdrew, giving enough time for the police at the mainland to set up a blocking force of RMG’s (Reg. Mobile Group) in Claver and Km 90, since they rightly assumed that they would try to make it to Surigao Sur. (the police units in GL and Dapa were able to communicate to provincial HQ of what happened by VHF radios, in the absence of a cell signal). On the way back, the rebels tried to split up, so as not to draw attention, however 2 of the rebels pump boats developed engine trouble, so they had to paddle the boat to the nearest Island, which happens to be Lapinigan, that small island in front of our surf spot 3 eggs. As they were nearing the island, a Huey helicopter appeared in the horizon, panicking, the rebs jumped from their boats, and that’s when all hell broke loose, as the rebs swam towards the island, the chopper with it’s M60’s blazing, came in for the kill and blasted the rebs as they swam helplessly towards the shore, luckily for them, it was only a short distance to shore, so most made (those that were not hit) before the chopper could make another strafing run, most of the rebs that made it, mixed up with the villagers, using them as human shields, frustrating the gunners.

Meanwhile the other boats that separated finally made it to the mainland, in the town of Claver. As they were split up in a wide array, some landed in Panaitan and some in Wanke, where they established a beach head. Of course, with Gov. troops already alerted and waiting, it didn’t take long for the two sides to make contact, and A heavy firefight ensued, with regular army units, and with 2 more Helicopter gunships joining the fray, and this time without the element of surprise, and numerical advantage, the rebels had to withdraw to the mountains, with the army in hot pursuit, which resulted in a running battle that soon spread to 5 villages, prompting a mass evacuation among villagers trying to escape being caught in the crossfire.(some of the rockets actually landed behind the church.),up to now operations are still going on. While Lapinigan Island is being blockaded to flush out the rebs still trapped in there, since the army cant move in, for fear that a lot of locals might be caught in the crossfire. I don’t know when this will be over, but the recriminations have already begun, like how the rebels where able to navigate the treacherous catangnan bay at 10 pm unless there was a local guiding them, it is even rumoured that some of the rebels where already there 3 days before, swimming and even using the restrooms(CR) at Sagana resort, although its still rumours maybe I have to ask Jerry D first.

They’re now worried about the effects on tourism, but as usual, it takes something like this to jolt some local officials from their comfort zones, considering there was already a precedent, Sipadan and Dos Palmas in Palawan, they should have prepared for things like this to happen, at least there was no kidnapping involved. But we cant take any comfort in that, and still.. anyways I don’t think it will stop the surfers from coming, after all, surfers are a harder stuff, I mean you guys have been used to travelling to other hot spots, in search of the proverbial “perfect wave” so I’m not sure if it will even thin out the line up. But it’s not the surfers that drive the economy there, heck they’re all stingy as in kuripot. It’s that local tourist from Cebu, Manila or any big City, that puts money in the local economy. And heres the causalty report: 2 killed and 3 wounded on the Government side, and 14 rebels captured and still an undetermined number of casualties on the rebel side, of course they’re all unconfirmed and not final. Anyways that’s all for now, exciting times were living in. cheers bru, mahalo brah, and regards bro.


From South Africa-Gary Replies..

Yoh Nards,

Radical news-they should've waited till nearer the contest date for max effect. Just when u thought it was safe to go back down to the wild-wild south the righteous bru's get righteous again. I don’t reckon it was on their agenda to thin the line up but I hope it has a bit-maybe the cloud will return to the 9. Weather buffs saying that a record number of typhoons forecast for western pacific, especially in early season-so hope the guys n gals on the island are getting lotsa surf therapy to ease the trauma of da NPA's dropping in like that.
All da best to u all-cheers

Gary n fandamily

Howzit Nards,

You're harder to reach than G.W. Bush. Howzit going? How's the family? How's the sideline? (LOL)
How's the waves brah? I've called your so many times no mas nards. Thank's for the NPA info, Jeff and Madel told me about it too. Just hire the NPA to do the waterpatrol during the contest, that'll spark up their image.

Any life has been great. God's is Awesome, excellent wife, cranking business (driving school, photography and a bit of Amsoil) and better than normal summer waves. Nothing huge just some fun size wave's alot of 2-4ft days and 5-6footer on a few days, with clean conditions. So when the waves are up I'm out there having fun.

I have some good surfing friends of mine that are going to C-9 in September. 'James Kiyohara' and friends. Will you have the time to show them around? If yes let me know as soon as possible, they'll take care of your travel cost, I just want them to have fun with as little drama as possible. I'll be there next year as soon as my wife get's her U.S. Passport we'll start traveling. I'm still planning on looking for a place to make a surf camp, you're the 1st on my list to be in Executive Command of the cooks, dishwashers and yard service.(LOL)

Nard's, I miss all the laughs we've had, good or bad surf , we're always having fun and laughing.

'Shaka Brah'

Daniel & Marianne Kaimi

'Sky Racer'

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